Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence

A technology smarter than humans
The application of artificial intelligence in hair transplantation is a real super-evolution. It is the technology based on state-of-the-art computers, "smart" software systems, complex algorithms and high-resolution, accurate and fast means that exceed the capabilities of the human brain. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the most important measurements we make before and after hair transplantation are automated, so that we can draw valuable conclusions both in terms of planning the operation and evaluating the result.
How does it work?
The application of artificial intelligence is accompanied by an extremely high-resolution camera with which we obtain images from all points of the donor area (left temporal, right temporal, left parietal, right parietal, occipital). This is important and necessary, as not all areas of the scalp have the same density of hair follicles, nor the same number and quality of hair - elements that are decisive for the result we can achieve.
Until recently, we analyzed these images manually, using special trichoscopes and microscopes, which obviously required a lot of time to extract the results. Furthermore, this control was sample-based and the conclusions were more generalized. Now, with artificial intelligence, we have the ability to take dozens of high-resolution photos from any point on the scalp that interests us, send them for processing to international supercomputers and within tenths of a second receive back detailed and 100% accurate answers for each of these photos.

The app that "reads" every square centimeter of the scalp
Thanks to the highly advanced application, we obtain a very detailed mapping of the scalp. The application is used twice: before the hair transplant to help design the surgical plan and after the transplant is completed to evaluate the result. Thanks to artificial intelligence, we can know in a very short time:
The advantages of artificial intelligence in hair transplantation
There is no human factor involved in the measurements that are so crucial to the planning and outcome of the hair transplant – something that can lead to a failed hair transplant, especially if the doctor does not have the necessary knowledge and experience.
A very detailed picture of the number, density and characteristics of hair follicles per square centimeter of the scalp is formed – something that cannot be achieved with manual methods, as a sample of hair follicles in the donor area is usually taken, equivalent to approximately 1% of the scalp surface.
The time for analyzing the images is minimized while at the same time maximizing the accuracy of the results – it has been estimated that a complete scalp check would require approximately 15 hours of human work and the results would be somewhat subjective and generalized.
An artificial intelligence system is utilized that "reads" the entire scalp and precisely determines the most suitable donor area as well as the maximum number of grafts that can be extracted from it without leading to its depletion - in other words, it offers a targeted and personalized surgical plan.
It offers experienced doctors an advanced, precise, objective, scientific tool to maximize the effectiveness and success of hair transplantation – and at the same time, it is a guarantee for patients regarding the objectivity and accuracy of measurements, analyses and results.